Friday, January 20, 2006

My 6th C.

Would you feel satisfied and accomplished when you finally acheived your 5Cs? By 5Cs, I mean the Singapore's version of 5Cs - car, condo, credit card, club and cash.

If you think about it carefully, all these are just possessions that will disappear one day. They are not what you own forever.

So what if you're rich? Does that make you a lovable person? Not unless your so called friends are just simply eyeing on your cash.

I don't know if you feel the same way, but if I actually get the 5Cs that so many Singaporeans want, I don't think I'll feel accomplished, yet.

There are many people in this present society who are working so hard, just to earn big bucks and live a happy life like they've always wished for. But at the end of it all, if you don't get things money can't buy, all that you've worked for is useless. One will not be able to enjoy the luxurious lifestyle with anyone who truly likes him for him.

I truly believe that the luckiest people on Earth are those who love and are loved at the same time. It is not those celebrities who can splurge money for expensive clothes and handbags who are the happiest homo sapiens on Earth.

Would you rather be poor and happy, or rich and sad? Debatable, eh? For me, I'd choose poor and happy, even though this world is all about money, money, money. The world has become so materialistic that people often give up their happiness for things they don't own for life. It's just really sad to see the people of the world trapped in this hatred filled planet.

I want happiness in my life. That's why I've added another C into 5Cs to make it 6Cs as a target for my life accomplishment. The last C stands for Christ. I would want our Lord Jesus Christ to be proud of me, proud to see me living my life to the fullest, living each day with a purpose. Jesus loves me, I love Jesus. Actually, even if I don't get all the other 5Cs, my life would already be complete. Why, you ask. Because when we believe in Him, we're saved, and we get eternal lives, something we can always keep forever.