Monday, August 25, 2008

da fix.

so this afternoon, i got my almost-daily coffee at the cafe close to the hospital. Ordered the usual - trim latte.

then waited for the coffee lady to shout out my order.

"regular trim latte with one sugar."

i quickly said thanks (in a rush!), but then stopped as that sentence repeated again in my head.

"trim latte with one sugar."

hmms.. talk about being healthy. tried to be at first, but failed in the end haha.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What I've been doing the whole week.


As you may have guessed, Dunners isn't the most happening place in the world to be in.. With my lack of updates even though I GOT NO SCHOOL FOR THE WHOLE WEEK!!!!!!!

What have I been doing?! Erm, getting up at 11 every morning.. Do lunch with the bf and the sis.. Flat hunting... Cook dinner.. Have dinner.. Flat hunting.. Wasting my megabytes away surfing and doing useless stuff on the net.. (EXCLUDING blogging lol).. Yup.

Flat hunting's been pretty.. eye opening for both janice and i.. we saw:

1) the prettiest and flashiest flat on york pl BUT THE CURRENT TENANTS DON'T WANNA MOVE (!!!!!!!!)

2) the crappy flat right next to that flashy flat which turned out to be ultra trashy because it was in comparison to that awesome place. ==

3) flats with nobody home.. AHHHHHHHH!

4) the most untidy flat i've ever seen in my ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the worst thing is that the current tenants are 3 GIRLS.. and.. everything was ON THE FLOOR - clothes (heaps of them), notes, bed sheets, shampoo, spoons, bags, money.. whatever you can think of they're all on the floor. not just in 1 room, but ALL 3 ROOMS, THE TOILET AND THE LIVING ROOM!!! it was horrible. period.

5) the potential flat we were all excited to view! it was quiet, close to town, !!NEW!!, own car porch, a little pricey but!!! awesomeness! went to see the flat.. to our disappointment.. it was too small!!! both rooms were smaller than my current one.. kitchen's smaller.. lounge's smaller.. toilet is right next to the entrance!?!?! so, of course, this 'potential flat' of ours became nothing-ness in a matter of minutes. OUR HOPES WERE LITERALLY CRUSHED...

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... Look how excited I was ==..... SAD!!!!!!!!!










why am i so lame ==

Oh well. Still gotta look for a better flat right... Gees. We'll see how things go.. ):

So the hospital's still infected with norovirus, and it's restricting as many people as possible so we wouldn't be camping next to the toilet bowl waiting to hurl or splash into the pan from the bottom. I know, that sounded pretty GROSS. off school for a weekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. but nothing to do.......................

jess is bored....

.. and so she was camwhoring.. with janice the pro camwhorer. LOL.

bye all.. hopefully my next post isn't as boring.. (which is highly unlikely but!!!!!!!!! stay tuned HAHA)


Monday, August 18, 2008


I am such a sob-ber. Just like this kid.

I cry about everythinggggg and I can't stand it! My tears just keep coming and it doesn't stop!!!

Yesterday's yet another sobby day.

We finally managed to get Marcus and Qian to teach us Ceroc for our Lost musical! I was suuuper excited cos' Ceroc looks very fun and partner dancing's pretty cool! So, of course, I paired up with the one and only Mr James for this dance. He, being the all macho and never ever a gentle man, was tugging and pulling me instead of the normal initiation in the dance.. My wrists hurt so badly!!! But never mind, I forgive him (LOL).

No, that wasn't the reason why I sobbed. The story continues.


The 2 other pairs were dancing and advancing really quickly.. but I was struggling!!! I kept wondering how come I couldn't get my steps right!!! Nothing was staying in my head and whatever Qian and Marcus were teaching me was just floating away... Farrr away... James and I kept repeating the same few steps, but I kept making the same mistakes and had to have him reminding me what the next step is..


I've learnt certain few dances before, and this was the first time I've ever had problems retaining steps in my head! I was going crazzzzy! James came and told me that I needed to watch and absorb whatever I see, because that's the way I learn (according to him). And I just broke down. I felt so crappy!! I was holding everyone back, especially James. ): As I was crying (pretty hard out), suddenly I felt I couldn't breathe!!! I was trying to take deep breaths, like REALLY biiiiiiiig breaths and I couldn't speak! Being the all-time cry baby, I knew this 'hard out' crying wasn't the usual kind! I was REALLY choking!!

So James brought me outside to take a breather (HAHA), but I stuffed my fingers in, and realised my gum was still in my mouth!!!!! So I pulled out the gum, and a few more bits further behind my throat.


How embarrassing!!!! ):

LOL. Now thinking about it makes me laugh. It wasn't at all funny last night. So this morning my eyes are small as ever and I look totally single eyelid-ed. -.- I'm so gonna watch the dance steps until I learn them and drill them into my puny BRAIN!!!!!!!!

Maybe I'm dylexic!! Hmms. I could very well be, you know? Got a joke about dyslexia (not a mean one!) will tell you guys next time hahaha enough of drama in this post.. :P

So next post will be about dyslexia and me finding out if I'm affected! Haha.


Friday, August 08, 2008

back from hiatus, for a while (:

Wala wala wala... Pixelated olympic rings!

- The 2008 Olympic Games starts on this day in Beijing, China!

How's NZ gonna fare this year? We shall wait and watch... (: How about Singapore? Anyone representing this year? For which sport? Let me know!

Sadly, I think I'll be cheering for the NZ team either in my bed or at the hospital because of the time difference. Yay. *unenthusiastic-ly*


It's been a love and hate relationship for surgery run and me. My first 4 weeks with the team. Love and hate. Love and hate. After the first week with the team, I started to feel pretty ostracized, for the very first time ever since starting clinical year. Because of my skin colour, my height, not-so-good surgical knowledge, and also because of the opposing beliefs with 1 of the surgeons. I think that's pretty enough said.

But I survived, surprisingly, even though those weeks felt like forever. And now I'm with another team. More stressful, compulsory Saturday morning ward rounds, patient presentations on Mondays and Saturdays, endless patient lists, on-call every single day, but I'm enjoying it so much more.. The team's friendlier, surgeons are nice(r) lol, scrubbing into more surgeries!!! Saw a gastric bypass, carotid endarterectomy, 2x debridement of ischaemic limbs just this week! 1 AAA repair next week waiting for me to scrub into. I'm tired to the bones, but I'm really fine with it! That's why we got (some of the) weekends to recuperate. (:

Had a repeat of my oral exam today and I PASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED. I screwed up the first one (it was on meningitis i did pretty badly for it..zzz..). So I'm feeling good tonight. Hehe.


Latest photo of myself and jannnniceee at the OSC post food fest 'party'. Specky specky and I think I'm appreciating how much more moiturized my eyes feel now! Hahaha! I just started with my contact lenses again early this week, but now I think I look weird speckless!

Weird me.

In the mean time, everyone be happy and smile lots!


Sunday, August 03, 2008

lack of updates








on surgery run right now and juggling time with our upcoming musical Lost. sooooooooooooooo.

till then!