Saturday, May 31, 2008

Post on-call.

Sunrise ( or post sunrise?) at 8am. Taken by JAMES CHANG.

I had intentions of staying at the hospital a wee bit longer for more drawing of blood from patients (need more practice.. saw my colleague this morning going around the ward with the trolley and saw her draw blood from a patient. SHE WAS DAMN PRO. oh man!! i'm sucha noob.), but I developed this sort of tension headache minutes before my very informal presentation to my consultant, and I was definitely gonna inflict harm on my patients, so I skipped.

Man, waking up at 730am after a 15hour shift he day before is not funny. I even had to miss my baking session with Lyds, Jen and Rach this afternoon....... ZZZ. After lunch at Subway (haven't had that for AGES! Miss it so much..), got a Mocha Latte and went home to... Chill. It was awesome. Just enjoying my coffee and not thinking of anything to do with the hospital is really very relaxing. I haven't been so tired before, and neither have I enjoyed Saturday as much as I am now. Thank God for weekends. Seriously.

James is complaining that I'm not talking about him again. James is very happy because he finished his assignment so he can enjoy his weekend, with me. HAHA. We haven't been spending much time together cos' of out busy schedules, mostly because of my on calls. So this is a good time. (:

Gonna enjoy a movie with him now. Tata.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Dead tired.

Queen's birthday on Monday.

Everyone around me is saying to one another, 'have a great long weekend!'. Everyone have wide smiles on their faces. Some are thinking or has already PLANNED on a weekend trip to somewhere nice and relaxing. Some are going to just lay back and stay home with their beloved ones. Except Jess (and the rest of the Medical team), BECAUSE WE'RE ON CALL THIS LONG WEEKEND!

Got back from the night on call at 2315ish, and I was both hungry and tired. I had to choose whether or not I wanted to eat at all. I was famished, so I opted to eat. Great. I hate sleeping right after eating, so I watched a little bit of TV, still trying to stay awake, think through what I've seen on tonight's duty, watch a little bit more, then showered, and now using the com. I'm extremely tired now but I think this is the best time to express how very tired I can get and how dysfunctional I can be when I don't get enough sleep/have been doing too much in the day.

Had my practice OSLER today. It was a simple cardio case. I did get all the questions and findings (EXCEPT FOR THE MURMUR. I thought it was both mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis, but it was only aortic stenosis with radiation to the axilla!!! sorry, pardon me.), but I presented pretty badly.. So I really have to brush up my presenting.. Especially the summary, when I don't EVEN summarize at all. This is bad. The real thing's either next week or the week after. It's going to depend on the coin and which face I choose. Yep, gonna flip the coin with my colleague to see who goes first.

It's Janice's birthday this Tuesday and I haven't even gotten anything for her. See I'm even saying what I'm thinking right now, I think I should stop blogging.

My eyes are the size of slits and they're burning.. And dry... Ward round at 8am. It's 1:03am now.

Happy long weekend, guys.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Cutting throats.

I've been having really negative feedback of the people at the hospital, especially my colleagues.. And I don't even know how to deal with it.

It seems like if one wants to excel and get Distinctions in our runs, then we gotta do everything right, get every answer to their question right, be ALWAYS there so they'll see that you're in the wards doing something, always LOOK and SOUND enthusiastic, laugh at every of their jokes even if they're NOT funny at all.. I've seen so many of these in the past 4 months, and I want a break from them.

It's so superficial. I find it so annoying sometimes, but I won't say it, because it's just mean.. And I know it's wrong to even think so badly of them.. My bad.. Even if they know that what they're doing is somewhat despicable, all they want is just a good grade, right?

We had a tutorial today, and my tutor was asserting his belief that every doctor/medical student are good at cutting throats. If you're not gonna perform, the rest of the team will just slowly drag that dagger of theirs across your throat. You're so not gonna survive this very unfair match.

I do agree with him to an extent, but surely not everyone's like that? I'm neither an extreme shut up person, and neither am I a chatterbox that goes on and on the whole day.. I'm just really afraid that cut throat assassins would not spare my throat if I don't perform better than them. At the same time, I don't want to become like one of them.

It's hard being in this. ):

Thursday, May 22, 2008

pictures since i've been inactive.

some pics i took from church camp - 经历生命,与主同行!

my 1st ever symphony orchestra concert i've been to. and my friend josh was in it too! very nice.. (:

breakfast with lyds on saturday morning. the forest mushrooms @ nectar is SO good. and the coffee.. mmmm.... latte.... :P

coffee date with my colleagues, especially for queenie since she was going to invercargill for a month!

james and i!
tried on my free pair of 'big eye' contact lenses that sunday.. i look scary, right? ALIEN...

will try to blog more... but for now, im gonna sleep. buhbye.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Updates updates!

Haven't been blogging for ages...!

I've just started on Acute Medicine run today, and all I can say is I'm gonna try my best to learn as much as I can.. Through my partner, through my tutorials, through my really nice consultant.. Gonna have chances on this run to be on call! I haven't been on call before, so I guess this is gonna be a new experience for me.. And also find out how annoying those pagers can get!

I'm so glad I'm doing Med. I know this is what I like doing.. Meeting new people, making them feel better... As long as you see them with that wide smile on their faces, you know all that you've done is worth it.

These 4 months in my 4th year has been so fruitful.. I learnt so much more than I expected to, which is awesome.

I don't even know what I'm blogging about. I guess the updates just get pretty boring aye? And I haven't been using much of my camera either... The latest event with photos taken should be the camp I went to about 3 weeks ago.. The photos taken by a friend of mine were awesome! I'l try to post them up when they reach me.

In the meantime, I hope that everyone reading this is doing well. (: God bless!

James' update: James is watching TV. End of update for James.