Wednesday, April 25, 2007

i've been tagged.. by Pao!!!

How much have YOU changed in the last 10 years ?

April 1 1997

1) How old were you?
going on 11! primary 5 kiddo.

2) Where did you go to school?
canossa convent primary school (singapore)

3) Where did you work?
i dun work.. but does selling sweets and erasers count?

4) Where did you live?
ah ma's house at the east of singapore

5) Where did you hang out?
ERM.. home and school and the snack shop close to my house.

6) Did you wear glasses?
nah! wasn't a nerd then. LOL.

7) Who was your best friend?
j.a.a.c. 4eva. ^^

8) How many tattoos did you have?
i'm not that hiong loh. HAHA

9) How many piercings did you have?
one on each ear!

10) What car did you drive?
i doubt i could even reach the accelerator and brake lah.. still wanna have a car..

11) Had you been to a real party?
haha.. what IS a real party? well i do go to birthday parties lah..

12) Had your heart broken?
not YET. haha.

April 1 2002

1) How old were you?
sweet 16~!!

2) Where did you go to school?
中正中学总校 aka Chung Cheng High School (Main)- Singapore

3) Where did you work?
i STILL haven't worked!

4) Where did you live?
YIOOOOOOOOOOO chu kang - Singapore!

5) Where did you hang out?
maccer's, coffee bean, home, PARKWAY PARADE, mega pool, orchardorchardorchardroad.

7) Who was your best friend?
ad infinitum!

8) Who was your regular-person crush?
what regular person crush? i didn't have many, cos CCHS didn't have many to look at.. lol.

9) How many tattoos did you have?
i don't like tattoos loh.

10) How many piercing did you have?
now i have 2 on both sides!

11) What car did you drive?
still taking MRT and SBS bus! HAHA.

12) Had you had your heart broken?
erm, nah.. it should be the other way round.

April 1 2007

1) How old are you?
i'm turning 21 this yr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2) Where do you work?
i'm a uni student now, no time to work!

3) Where do you live?
great king street - DUNEDIN, new zealand!

4) Do you wear glasses?
yup! only at home and when my eyes dun feel fine that day..

5) Where do you hang out?
erm, school, home, church? HAHA. nth in dunedin for me to hang out at leh!

6) Who is your best friend?
erm, all my friends back in singapore (includes eifer!), my craziest classmates jen, meits and nad, and my churchies. i think they all rock!

7) Do you talk to your old friends?
yup! what is the internet for, man?

8) How many piercing do you have?
still 2 on each side!

9) How many tattoos?

11) What kind of car do you drive?
MITSUBISHI MIRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Missy Mirage - my first car and i love it to bits! (:(:(:

12) Has your heart been broken?
erm.. not really. haha.

GENU (LOL, sorry jen! wasn't on purpose!)


Sunday, April 22, 2007


School starts tomorrowwwwwww~!

Tell you what. I'm actually quite excited about going back to school.. I just thought 2 weeks of break was just too much!! Haha.. I'm such a NERD. (:

Easter break's awesome because of church camp, Singapore Expose, birthdays and bakingggggggggggg. Will upload photos soon, I hope!

Just a few photos (aka summary!) of my Easter break!


Singapore Expose dancers! (Co flew away!)

our little birthday party for Yoke Hoon. (:*

Baked Pandan cake and CAPPUCINO CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS (again)! still SO yummy.

Okay this was actually taken when we were in SG. But I know both lydsy and I LOVE this photo! HEHEHE.

loves the cap. X)



Happy 23rd, my lovely Ning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!

You know you're gorgeous, super nice, caring, and whatever a guy wants in a girlfriend, and I just want you to stay the way you are! (: Cos' you're my suuuuuuuppppper cousin/大姐! Love you to bits! Sorry this post came a day late, but you know it came from my heart ^^

I miss you alot now! Hope you're still doing fine on SIA! Do continue to imitate the SEXY air stewardess voice okay? One day they'll ask you to do it and you'll be SO pro at it lah!

'Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard on Singapore Airlines...'



Okay larh, faster fly to NZ again okay?! Then we'll meet up again. Nothing beats meeting up with you lah. Even those 12 hours of travelling to and fro. (:


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Missy Mirage + my updates.

Haha. A new name Janice gave our lovely car - Missy Mirage! (:

Drove more today, and I feel very comfortable driving it.. It's so weird having your own car, because you don't feel THAT stressed driving anymore? I used to drive Ben's car (just a little), and I always get paranoid whenever I do.. But it's different now! I feel like I'm controlling the car instead of the other way round (WHICH IS GOOD!). LOL.

Tomorrow's Easter! Have to memorise choir song by tomorrow morning... Hmm, I hope we actually won't forget any words, or else we'll all be singing lalala~ all the way! That'll be SOOOOO funny! I can't imagine!! :D Easter = the day Christ died for us on the cross! So we have to remember this day forever~~ Easter (also) = 2 weeks of holidays for MED STUDENTS!! WOOOT~! Happpppppppy. I can actually fork out time to BAKE! I miss baking! Needa get Hooi Xian, my baking buddy, to come here to bake!

Our church organised an Easter camp, and we'll be at Waikoati (?? Still not sure how to spell it) for 4 days! Hope it'll be fun~

Life's been quite okay.. Nothing major happened or whatsoever.. So guys, I'm still alright.. Still hanging there! (: Hope all of you are well too!

Time to sleep!


Wednesday, April 04, 2007



I'm so excited now I can jump and hit the ceiling! Lol~

Mum got me a car just this afternoon, and I got to drive it home! Hehehehe. I'm grinning from ear or ear now.. It's a pity that it's dark now, or else I'd be snapping lotsa photos of it. Haha. It's a Mitsubishi Mirage! Love it to bits~!

Will update more! Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Hi crazy woman! Happy 23rd birthday!!!! Yeah I know if I'm in Singapore you'd be screaming into my ears that you're very old, but aiyah! It's a process of GROWING!

May you always be this crazy, or else we won't have anything to laugh at, HAHA, and may you be as hiao as ever, cos' it's fun watching you being like this. ROFLLLL.

Anyway, HAPPY 23rd lah!!! You'll always be my crazy cousin! Hehehe.

Not a very flattering photo of you, but it looks funny! (: