Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cardio Queennn!

I know I shouldn't be logging on to and leaving a useless post on my blog right now (I'VE GOT TONS TO DOOOOOO!), but I just want to say that...

Cardio Queen is soooo nice and smart and kind and ultra smart and sweet and INCREDIBLY smart! On our last day on Cardio run (which was yesterday), we even went down to Muffin Break for coffee together! Yeah! Even 4th yr med students (2 of us) were invited!

It was pretty funny, cos CQ kept mentioning about going down for coffee after ward rounds, A and I were just wondering if we were invited. So when CQ says "let's go down for coffee", I asked "Erm.. So are we involved in this coffee thing?"


Everyone in the team laughed! I just sounded pretty awkward, right?! I KNOW! That's so funny lah. But of course both of us could join in.. Hehehe.

Apparently CQ's not even training for Cardio specialty! She wants to be an Emergency Department pro.. But, man! I can't stress how much she knows about the heart. She's definitely a walking textbook. She knows everything about Medicine right at the tip of her fingers.

*GUSHES IN ADMIRATION* *_* (starry eyed)

I wonder if I'll ever be as awesome as CQ... All hail Cardio Queen!

Will definitely miss Cardio!!! But I still suck at it... My home tutor was grilling me on a Cardio topic and I got stuck after naming 2 main causes of heart failure. Missed the last one.

Note to self: The main cause I missed was ARRHYTHMIA. ARRHYTHMIA.....

Monday, February 25, 2008

Bye Cardio!

After so long (like 2 weeks, duh), I finally met Jen at Med library (coincidentally)!! Jen was dressed in comfy t-shirt and berms, and some real cute pair of sneakers... She looked so carefree and comfortable in what she was wearing! While I, and the rest of the 4th years, along with our seniors, have to be in proper formal clothes, wearing COVERED TOE SHOES (I really have no problem thinking of what shoes to wear, because I basically have only 3 wearable pairs ==), because we got to meet with patients on the wards...

I kinda miss wearing non-formal clothes. The million tees I got in Singapore are waiting for me to put them on!!! And yet, they're still in my closet, just waiting... Waiting that one day Jess can finally set her eyes on them and wear them out to the outside world!!!

== I'm insane.

However, come to think about it, seeing the guys in our class 'transforming' into MEN is really interesting! The guy who used to have the messy curly hair, with the green cap, holding a skateboard on his right hand, and owns a lab coat vandalized with neon coloured lightning bolts is now a decent looking doctor-to-be, though still not used to wearing ties. Haha! Pretty amazing, ay?

Cardio rounds end tomorrow, and I will reallyyy miss Cardio, even though I suck at it. Respiratory is next, and since it's not winter yet, we'll probably have like 2 patients in the whole ward... Soooo looking forward to that (ya right..). But I guess it would be the time when I can finally settle down and do some serious studying, since I'll have lotsa spare time!

The house surgeons had their rotations done just today, and the TIs have all gone overseas for their electives, so we saw SOOO many new faces at the wards this morning.. Even though I knew my house surgeon and TI for like 2 short weeks, but they were the ones who were feeding us with juicy information on how to read ECGs, how to interpret chest Xrays rarara... And now they're gone.. Oh well! Life still goes on and I hope they're happier wherever they are now!

Think I better read up a little bit before I go to bed. Adieus! :D

P.S. Okay, James Chang just asked if he was included in this post, and I said NO and he got upset about it. AWW! ROFL. So okay, James, you WERE mentioned in this post, okay? Good. My job's done.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

If I didn't go, would I not have known about your lil' secret?

Why do you have to walk down that path; the path that so many foolish people take?

What a headache.

I didn't think I've ever had this before, but I suspect I've got M-I-G-R-A-I-N-E.


I've been a headache-y person all my life (I think?), but this headache's pretty different from what I used to have (tension headaches). My sis calls me Panadol girl cos' I pop some in everytime I get the headaches. Realllly bad habit of mine.

3 days of unilateral headache on the right side of my head (ya, the half of my head with the dent ==). Not exactly responding to Paracetamol and sleep. Man, you don't know how much I've been sleeping this weekend!!!! I just wanted to sleep the headache away but it wasn't really working.

Missed venepuncture/cannulation demo on Friday because the headache was killing me and I was weak and super tired I just wanted to go home, so went home and slept till James came back to fill my tummy with... With what ah? See, even my memory's affected. I'm joking.

Saturday: Woke up feeling all fine! Went to have my 'six foot long sub' (tell you the joke next time..) at Meridian and wanted to go shopping! Then the annoying headache came back. Throbbing and annoying and irritating. James had to bring me home because I wasn't even in the mood of shopping. I was at PORTMANS and nothing was making me interested! Now THAT'S how you know that Jess is seriously not herself. PORTMANS lehhhhh!!! My favourite boutique man. Gosh. I missed my weekly shopping ):

Sunday morning I was feeling alright again! But during church camp meeting in the noon, the headache slowly inched back again. WAH LAU EH. I was really super pissed with it lah, but what am I to do, right? I can't cut my head off and let it roll to a corner while I enjoy what I do at the moment. I'll just scare both myself and everyone else around me lah. ANYWAY! I also found out that I was starting to dislike walking in the open, with the sun on my face. That's funny again. Dunedin will never have such good sun after summer, and I'm not enjoying it? So, what? Photophobia?

Man. I looked through my Oxford clinical handbook and read about migraine (ya, I'm SO NERDY right..), and I've got a few symptoms for it.

Actually, I'm wondering if it's caffeine withdrawal. I tried consuming ZERO caffeine starting Friday, and the headache came. After I took Paracetamol on Saturday, I made some coffee for myself (I was so guilty lah cos' I wanted to really be less dependent on coffee...), and the headache was gone after half hour!

Caffeine withdrawal, or the common migraine????

Heck, I just want the headache t
o stop coming back. ):

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sunshine After The Rain

Thank you all for being so concerned about how I'm coping with my 2nd week on the wards.. (: You guys are my angels! hehe.

Meiting: HI MEITSSSSSS. I MISS U!! I hope you're doing okay up at CCH.. I guess we all have the same problems with house surgeons and registrars.. I even have trouble with the consultants man.. GOSH.. Don't worry and just do your best, okay? If you really don't get what they are saying, just say you can't really catch what they're asking and ask if they can repeat.. Because we all know that you're got the brains for Med!!! Of course we all want to be there for each other, but trust me, you're kept in my prayers, okay? Take care my dear!! I so wanna go up to CCH lahHHHH!! Hehe.

Nads: HEY NADS!!!! How you??? MISS SEEING YA ARND DND! Thank you for the encouragement, both for Meits and I. You're always the encourager, hehe. The most optimisitc one already. (: Hopefully you're doing okay with clinicals.. We can do it lahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Thank you to PaoPao, Qi and my sister for the encouragement too. I really needed them. (: Love you all!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Me no want to go to school tomorrow...

The consultants and my colleagues (somehow) are making me not want to go into the wards tomorrow.......................


I'm super sad. I feel so stupid because everytime a consultant/registrar asks me a question, I either stare back at them blankly, or I just waffle my way through with the most ridiculous answer ever...

And worse, my colleagues are making me feel like the dumbest person in the whole universe, with their very fluent and sensible answers. Man, how can they even study after school?????

I mean, 8-5 from Monday to Friday isn't very kind, plus we have to study hard out after that? I'm always dreaming of my bed at home and just wanting to lie on it forever and ever and not get up at all, you know? I haven't got enough sleep that's why I'm so crappy right now.. Pardon me..

Okay, I shan't be so hard on myself. I do get answers right at times, but for the wrong consultants!! The consultants whom I've been crapping to have been getting stupid answers from me since day 1, and are still staring back at me waiting for right answers from me!! Why can't I get the right answers for themmmmmm, the important people who are gonna assess me for terms........

My only concern now is: How am I gonna pass 4th year?

Friday, February 15, 2008

My valentine.

Thank YOU for everything last night. (:

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's day y'all! (:

Lyds was such a sweetie.. She got me donuts from Coupland's last Saturday, and take a look at the special edition of the donuts for Valentine's Day!

Isn't it CUTE!?!!! It's not only cute, it's extra YUMMY! With all the love packed in there. (:

No matter if you're single, attached, attached but not with the one you love, in a complicated relationship, enjoy this day with your loved ones! It doesn't have to be the other half! To me, Valentine's Day is Friendship Day too! Like the other years before, my friends and I exchanged chocolates and wrote sweet things to one another in heart shaped papers.. Pretty nice feeling. I got my friends Hershey's Kisses this year! Yum.

My valentine... You guys would know who. Hahaha.

Have an awesome day!!! (: I can't wait to dig my face my dinner - cooked personally by my valentine. Hahaha.


Friday, February 08, 2008

Happy CNY!

A day late, but...


The atmosphere in Dunedin is definitely not as fab as some place else, but at least the Mayor (a Chinese who's been staying here for quite a while hurhur) managed to hold a CNY celebration in town, with pretty fireworks at 12am. Not too bad a celebration, ay? Just that I didn't go for it. (had previous experience last year, so I'd rather stay home, somehow.)

I was playing Monopoly Spongebob version (YES Chungie, Mel and Thazin! I bought it so I now know how the other little statues look like! real cute I love it to bits!) at home with James! HAHA. Eh, I had fun! Been playing Monopoly ever since we played it in Auckland with the credit card version, which has everything in their thousands and millions. Compare that to Plankton's lab whose rent is $6. HAHA!

Oh well, I better get ready for school now. Bye all!


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Clinicals.. Finally!!!

You must be excited to listen to my stories after the 2nd day of being in the wards as a 4th year med student right?! Bet you are, lah. (: Cos I am as excited as you are! (until this registrar today crashed my excitement and burst this happy bubble of mine)

ANYWAY! I was actually freaking out when the lecturer was telling us that we were going to talk and examine patients ON THE FIRST DAY BACK TO SCHOOL. My facial expression at that moment : 0.0!!!

It had always been an awesome feeling thinking that I'd be able to finally DO something in the wards, but when it comes to the real stuff, I blanked out. 0.0!!! again. Haha! But I came to my senses and I (and the rest of my group mates) followed the instructions and we did it! (:(:(: Proud of us, right? LOL.

So, we've learnt about history taking, general examination and cardiology examination these 2 days! Not too bad a progress for us. I personally prefer clinicals c/f endless lectures. All was well for me until we met the Cardiology registrar who taught us the examination and brought us to see 2 patients at the wards.

GOSH. The horror. She is THE Christina Yang of Grey's Anatomy I CAN PROMISE YOU ON THAT! She knows everything about the heart!! AKA the Cardio Queen. Hurhur. Aortic/mitral regurgitation, stenosis, stents, bypass procedures, pressures of LV/RV/RA/LA/JVP and their waves, CHF, weird syndromes like CREST Syndrome etcetc PLUS their common presentation. She is THE bullet train that talks so fast we all just stare blankly at her. Like this: 0.0

AND..... Well I don't think she means to, but she tends to put us 4th years down quite abit by shooting CRAZILY difficult questions to every single one of us and we just all stare back blankly. Like this: 0.0 I mean, she's not THAT old. She's probably in her late twenties, but she's like a GODDESS! I can't stand it!! I was talking to my group mate and just pondering when I'll ever be as pro as her. But gosh, I wouldn't want to be as mean to 4th students like her! She probably graduated a long time ago and forgot how it felt like being a 4th year student DURING THEIR 2ND DAY OF SCHOOL. 0.0

Oh well! That's my bit on my 2 days of 4th year. Thank GOd for Waitangi Day tomorrow. A day of break from this craziness is actually very good. LOL.

Friday, February 01, 2008

THE moody queen strikes again.

I know it's ultra wrong to blame that time of the month for my moodiness, but heck! I don't get why I get moody and frustrated and irritated for NO FREAKING REASON during this period of time.


The poor boyfriend had to put up 15min of torture from insane me disallowing him to turn up at his net cafe appointment with his buddies. He actually did very well listening to me whine and saying weird stuff to him. He was very brave to actually laugh at me when I was about to cry. Oh, and he was smiling all the way through. Can you believe that?! But somehow or rather, I became happier and laughed back at him. Did he score, or was I back on top of this crazy roller coaster ride?

I think 15min was already considered veryyy good. I think I had episodes that lasted a few hours. Poor James.

I don't know, man. I just think it's hard to be around me when I'm period-ing. Can't stand it myself. I think back on what I was doing, and it's insanely funny and stupid at the same time. Gosh.

This is such a PMS-ish post. Eew.