Sunday, March 25, 2007

Friday, March 23, 2007

My week.

The week's been uber busy for me again.. Because of my unfit state last week (40 hour famine marh. haha), I wasn't able to study alot.. So my computer tests have been pushed into the next week. I better pull my socks up! Don't want to lag behind..

Ben and I celebrated our 3rd year together on 20th! It was a real pity I didn't bring my camera. Just to announce to everyone that WE'RE STILL GOING STRONG, DON'T WORRY! Lawls. I finally finished the cross stitch I was supposed to give him 2 years ago. HAHA! He said he's gonna give me something after he gets his student loan in his bank.. Yeah I know what it is that's why I'm quite excited. :B

Jen's 20th the day after! Had a sumptuous dinner with 6 others at Raphael's till 9+.. Awesome time we spent together laughing and just talking cock. Jen - like what your friend in the txt msg said - faster find a nice boyfriend for us to see arh! Continue to be our crazy Jen and all the best for your future endeavours! (wah lau sound like I'm writing in her biography book or something!).


No photos to put up..


Till next time! :D


Sunday, March 18, 2007

40 Hour Famine Part 3

-oh yeah, oh yeah, it's your birthday, it's your birthday-

HAHA. I just felt like boogie-ing and singing this song! I'm officially in my 36th hour! Hurrah! I do feel a little bit hungry, but it isn't overwhelming... (:

Thank you PaoPao, Lyds, Joseph, Nadia, and all who supported me during my famine.. Feels so great accomplishing something!

And thank you for sponsoring me! So many people to thank, even my mum! Hahaha.

Slept for probably 7 hours.. I wonder what woke me up... I'm still sleepy, but I feel like searching for more recipes! I was browsing through YummyDummy's and OMG, the pictures of food he puts up.. AWESOME! I miss Singapore partly because of the food - cheap and SUPER yummy. Loves it.

To Nadia and those who has officially finished their famine, GOOD ON YOU GUYS! Awesome, awesome contribution from all of you! You deserve a pat on your backs! -pat!- Hahaha. Alright, back to my recipe search. Toodles!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

40 Hour Famine Part 2


I just passed my 26th hour!!! 14 hours to go! Because daylight saving ends tonight, it's 11pm instead of 12am! 1 extra hour of sleep for the people in moomooland~~ "MOOOOO!" So the time difference between Singapore and NZ is now 4 hours only!

The previous post was typed out right in the middle of the 'critical period' that I have to pass before I feel numb and not hungry anymore, like how I'm feeling right now. I thought I handled it quite badly, because I was having crazy thoughts of indulging in so many different kinds of food, I was complaining to myself and so on. Boy am I glad that it's over! Haha. But I can bet with you that when I get up tomorrow morning, I'd be veryyy hungry! Of course, I'll still wait for my sis to get up and we can go to Golden Harvest for a dimsum session! Yay! A 'reward' for a job well done for me. Haha.

Ben and I went over to Lyds' and HX's place tonight, cos both of them needed our 关怀! I can't think of a good English translation to that, but it's something like care and concern? Hmm. But oh well! Hope the 2 of them feel better now.. Ben said we acted as if we were Santa Claus-es for the night! Hahaha.. Cos we brought 'presents' for them - edible stuff like er, food?! Hahaha.

I'm in this numb-and-not-hungry stage that even watching someone eating a beef burger, Indo mee, Farmbake's chocolate chip cookies, M&M's chocolate, Macaroni & Cheese, and stepping into VELVET BURGER (omg I MUST go there one day!!) won't push me into wanting to eat! Yeah, imagine how much temptation I received in just 1 day... It felt horrible before, but it's all good now. (: I even looked up for cake recipes! Initially I felt soooooooo hungry while looking at those uber delicious desserts, but now, I'm coping well.. Hehe.

All the best to all those who are doing the famine - whether or not you're not eating, talking, using the phone, you have my respect. (:

40 Hour Famine Part 1

Halfway into my 17th hour of 40 hour famine, and I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO weak and hungry...

Should I just sleep on my hunger, or should I just start studying and pretend that my hunger doesn't exist?

It's so difficult.. Initially in the morning, I was handling it so well, I felt a little hungry, but was able to curb the thoughts of food almost entirely. But now, after sitting next to Ben and Josephine while they had their lunch, waiting for Janice to come back from her lunch, and listening to people decide where to have their lunch, I'm totally GUTTED! ARGHHHHHHHH~~~

Tahan, Jess! 22+ more hours to go! Almost halfway through! It's for a good cause!!

I'm so gonna gobble my food down at tomorrow's lunch. Imagine those kids in Third World countries. I bet they don't even have food for at least a few days, let alone 40 hours. All of us who can fill their stomachs everyday should be feeling blessed right now. So, so very blessed.

My tummy is filled with Ribena! I've drank about 5 cups of Ribena for the whole day, and I guess I should change my drink to Honey water or something after 6pm.. I feel abit filled, but still the sensation of drinking isn't exactly the same as eating, if you get what I mean. And because I drink so much, I visit the toilet alot too! Good news is that I now know that my kidneys aren't failing me, and I'm not dehydrated! (: Think positively, Jess!

I suddenly feel a little bit better. I know I can do this. 40 hours isn't too bad!

Haha, will update again before I sleep!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

40 Hour Famine!

Before I go to bed, I just want to say that I'm EXHILARATED yet scared about my 40 hour famine, which starts tomorrow evening at 4pm NZ time!

In case you guys don't know, I signed up for 40 hour famine, a programme in collaboration with World Vision, to help raise funds to help kids in more than 12 developing countries, whether it's a contribution for immunization, clothings or things needed for school. Basically, 40 hour famine works like this: anyone can take up a challenge and have a 40 hour period of NOT doing something that they always do/take for granted. For example, talking/eating/using the computer etc. So since I haven't tried NOT eating after more than 5 hours without food before (i get hungry so often!!), I decided to do a 40 hour famine!

Currently, my sponsors helped raise more than one hundred dollars for my effort! I was really shocked, because I didn't think I would help raise that huge sum of money! Haha, I haven't done my famine yet, but THANK YOU GUYS, every single one of you. I will try my very best to accomplish my mission and help save these poor kids. No food, just Ribena to keep me sane and LESS hungry. (:
I plan to do like a few hours update on my blog, so next time when I look back on what I did for 40 hour famine, I would understand how hard it is to be hungry for such a long period of time. What do you guys think?

Only problem is that I'm still SICK.. Coughing my lungs out since forever.. Pray that I'll get well soon and nothing will go wrong while I starve.. Haha.

Visit to sponsor me NOW, and help save the kids!


Monday, March 12, 2007

My updates!

It's been really warm since Saturday! Too bad Autumn's round the corner... Aww. I'll miss Summer as much as I love Autumn!

Love Summer because of:

  • warm, warm, lovely weather!
  • no need to wrap up like a dumpling!
  • jandles and slipslops don't give numbing of toes!
  • no dry and scaly skin! eeeew!
  • no jeansjeansjeans everyday!
Love Autumn because of:

  • the falling yellow leaves! just give this special touch to autumn!
  • slightly cooler (pray hard autumn's not gonna be all too cold for me)
  • winterish bomber jackets, hoodies and jerseys zipped up! fashion you may not find in sg!
  • 1 extra hour of sleep! WHAHAHA. best part of Autumn!
  • 8pm won't look like it's 5pm..
  • hot chocolate best drank at this period! yummm~
Awesome seasons. Just can't stand winter and spring! It's always too cold for me! Brrrr~ Gotta get used to it again... (:

Mum just sent me a photo of Ah Ma with a huge lobster (or a huge prawn? i think most prolly lobster) caught by either her/my mum/my uncle/my brother (LOL. sorry larh, no detials given to me also mah). I almost cried.. I think I miss my Ah Ma so much.. And she looks so happy in the photo.. Not common to see her smiling so happily... I just want to give her a hugggggge bear hug right now! That photo's currently my desktop background. I hope her smile would encourage me to be a happier person, and also an easily satisfied one.

School's been a-okay for me. I just hope I can concentrate a wee bit better. Yeah, just concentrate better. My mind seem to always wander off. My concentration span's getting shorter and shorter by the year. That totally sucks!

Started ballet lessons once again after a long 6 years of break from me. These old cranky joints need some oil man! No more splitting and mounting and everything. Grossss! I feel like a robot. A rusty one too! Initially, keeping up with the class was quite tough, because of all the foreign ballet terms and moves! But after today's lesson (2nd one already!), my sis and I are actually keeping up! Pats on our backs! Hahaha. Spent quite abit on ballet gears, so I hope we will persevere and dance as gracefully as we used to. LOL. It takes time. Really. Give us half a year! I'll try a split after that. Hehe.

Jen and Meit's into ballroom dancing and Nad's planning to learn Ceroc! Damn, the 4 of us sure do love dancing ay! All sounds awesome to me.. I'll definitely go learn those different dances from them and vice versa, then we can all going SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE? show! Hahaha. That's definitely a crazy thought. But everytime I ask Janice, "So you think you can dance?", she'd go 'YESSSSSSSSSSS~!'. Hahaha. That's crazy woman.

Muscle aches at almost every major muscle group in my body because of the grand combination of Minisports, gym, Singapore Expose dance prac and ballet lessons!!!!!! This is craziness! But the tired human gets a wonderful sleep everyday because she practically knocks out right after hitting the pillow. Oh, and also the difficulty of getting up and having to snooze for MORE THAN HALF AN HOUR for this 'sleeping beauty'. Not an easy task to accomplish, but I will try my best!

In addition of my sore muscles (not as if I'm all that muscular but oh well), I'm suffering from an irritating phlegmy cough! It's disgusting just listening to that cough of mine. My voice is almost gone too. Crappers. Plus, it isn't nice greeting your flatmate early in the morning with a Bass 'good morning' stuffed with a really dreadful voice. Yucks. He was quite shocked actually lol! Having an ultra husky voice doesn't really make me all so sexy after all. WHAHA. I just scare everyone off!

I know this post is ultra long, but I appreciate all those of you who finished reading all my crapping. Haha. (: I'm off to bed now.. Early lecture tomorrow. Damn, I really dislike Brain and Behaviour's Behavioural Science lectures! They're interesting, BUT ULTRA BORING. zzz. Had 2 today and 3 tomorrow! CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, enough of my crap. Bye everyone!


Monday, March 05, 2007

Randomness of random - Mists of Autumn

I got this blog at the end of my J1 year, so that makes this blog a little older than 3 years old. And frankly speaking, I chose the address of my blog while flipping through my Oxford dictionary (lawls. I really couldn't think of a name for the blog!). Chose it because I think it sounds really pretty, but I haven't googled on 'mists of autumn' to realise how beautiful it actually looks like. Check it out~

So beautiful. (: Don't think I've ever seen it in NZ, but maybe if I were to go tramping I would probably get a glimpse of it. It's so pretty! Can imagine fairies dancing around in the mist.

Alright, time to hit the books. Table lamp's BLOWN and for the whole weekend, didn't touch my books AT ALL. Yeah, feeling a little guilty right now. Bye all!


Friday, March 02, 2007

Childhood head injury.

This week passed so uber quickly I can't believe it's almost Saturday!! Hurrah for me. (:

I actually feel quite old now, seeing all the health science first year kids (I shouldn't be calling them that but it's better than if I call them babies) and med 2 juniors. Those days are OVER for mee. And now? Med 3 lor! And I'm loving (okay, not loving, but maybe... liking?) the timetable this year (or rather for now), cos we're actually NOT very busy, and the Brain & Behaviour module is quite interesting, except the memorising portion. Grr. The brain is such a complex organ in the body! It does so many different things, and its structure is already so amazingly complicated larh!

We had a lecture on childhood head injury this morning, and I inevitably thought about myself.

Me in the middle, with my mummy and Janice (who stole my pink dollie!)

When I was about that young (probably 3 y.o or so), I was with my cousins at my uncle's room doing the usuals - jumping on the beds, going crazy and everything larh. Then, I noticed there was a cute little robot on my uncle's shelf! I told my cousins about it and we all wanted to get it down. Before I go any further, I should show you how the shelf actually looks like.

Okay, I know my drawing sucks, but as you can see, that shelf is actually more like a shelf-cum-table kinda shelf (HAHA). So the 4 of us - Ning, Wei, Tuck and I took turns to try and grab the robot from the shelf. I was the last one to try, and come to think of it, I was kinda dumb then, because all my older cousins couldn't reach it, why would I even think that I could actually triumph and have the robot all to myself? That's really dumb, but aiyah, I was a KID.

The shelf was a little unstable when we stepped onto the table to try and reach for the robot. My 3 older cousins gave up, but I was determined to get it down. So I climbed onto the table, tiptoed as much as I could with my 2 arms stretched out as far as they could. Then, before I could even react, the shelf was so unstable it was shaking. I heard my cousins yelling at me to go back to them, but it was too late. The shelf fell forward and I was brought down by it too. The next thing I realised it was dark. I was trapped under the shelf and couldn't move at all. By then, my cousins were frantically screaming for my grandmother to save me. I can remember so clearly that I was crying really hard and I didn't know what to do. I didn't feel any pain, but I could see dark, fresh blood oozing out of my head.

I heard my Ah Ma's voice almost immediately after my accident. With the help of our domestic helper, they managed to get the shelf up and my grandmother carried me in her arms and rushed down the stairs to get me to the hospital. Fortunately, her friend whom she was chatting with before, was a taxi driver, so he took the 2 of us to the hospital. I remembered myself in Ah Ma's arms, trying to tell her what exactly happened. But I couldn't form sentences. I was crying and taking short breaths, and my head was still oozing out alot of blood. I can still recall myself thinking as if I was acting in a drama, because in dramas, people around the patient will always be crying (my Ah Ma was), person in pain/dying unable to speak properly and will stumble over their words, and then will die on the spot. The Jessica then thought it was the end of her life, that she was going to leave her grandma, her cousins, and everything she ever experienced in her childhood. I wanted to tell her about the robot and didn't mean to be naughty again.

Click on the photo to see the circled naughty kids as mentioned above. HAHA.

Suddenly, I saw bright lights. People in masks were surrounding me, and I was on a cold, hard bed, with a few pieces of blue paper sheets placed underneath my head. Ah Ma was missing! I heard people talking but couldn't understand, except for one, and it went something like, "Oh no, the sheet's filled with blood again. Quick, carry her up and put another sheet under her head".

Somehow, after the operation, I just forgot about everything, and the doctor said I could go home! It seemed to me as if I didn't stay at the hospital overnight, but could it be possible? I remember there was quite alot of blood lost from me, and considering my skull still mobile and soft at certain areas, how come this trauma didn't seem too big a deal to the doctors? What kind of pathologic trauma did I encounter? Was there any in the first place? Maybe I forgot my stay at the hospital, and I can't ask my Ah Ma about it either, because I think she's forgotten about it too. She only remembers me being ultra naughty and she always calls me 'mor tang', Hokkien word for worm/caterpillar. HAHA. Squirms around like a worm and can never sit still.

I can never ever forget about this particular accident (trust me, you don't know how many times I visited the doctor when I was younger), because the trauma has left me with a dent on the right side of my parietal bone (bone of the skull). So if you were to ask me to shave my head bald like Britney Spears, you're in for a scare man. Imagine someone with a dent in her head. EEEEEEEEW! Hahaha. But I don't care, because in this way, if I ever lose my memory, my family will recognize me cos of this dent. HAHAHA. What a lame excuse. Nevertheless, I had a great childhood, and maybe if I hadn't had that injury, I'd be even smarter!!! Or maybe not. Lawls.

Alright, time for bed. This weekend's gonna be really busy for me.. OSC and church stuff bombarding my calendar of events! (: Hope all of you like my true story. HAHA. Enjoy your weekend!

Not the nicest photo of all, but it shows my current hair style! Crap, fringe too thin, need to modify my bangs abit. And my purplish highlights have officially turned RED despite my colour therapy solutions! Is that sad or sad? HAHA. And shucks, I think my face is getting bigger everyday. ARHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Thursday, March 01, 2007


The more I look at my 'sisters', the more disgustingly funny they look. Just look at them at the previous post! LOL... It's sooooooo weird.

Okay, I'm just bored lah. Supposed to be up earlier this morning but FAILED terribly. GRRRRRR.