Friday, June 30, 2006

Brighton Beach - Christchurch

Absolutely beautiful view.

Walking along the beach with Ben was fun and memorable.

A photo for you guys. Sneak preview of Brighton Beach. Taken by yours truly. (:

Back from Christchurch!

Yes, I'm sooooooo tired. And I have to fly to Wellington on Sunday, and I have to study for my computer tests, and everything!!!!

Photos coming up after my mum sends them to me.

I'm so glad I made this trip up to CCH. So fun, and everyone was there!! :D

Will blog soon! (:

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Mooloo mooloo. Ok, great. Now that my exams are over and done with, I can finally surf the net in peace and blog about anything in the world, with no time restriction and telling myself 'oh man i need to study' and questioning myself 'why am i surfing the net?'

Yeah, it's good and all. BUT (yeah, there is always a but that spoils the day) exams didn't go all too well. I wasn't fully prepared, I was freaking out, the paper was tough. Period. Needless to say more.

All's done and gone. So I should just forget about it and concentrate on my other 3 computer tests coming up next semester. But in the meantime........



Going shopping plus lunch with naddie nad nad after this. We really need this break, the two of us. Try to get over how bad exams went. Haha. Next week I'll be heading up to Christchurch and Mt Hutt with my family! Gonna ski like mad (hmm, should I snow board or ski? snow boarding cause me to fall too many times. but snow boarding is uber cool!) and gonna shop like how girls should shop. Yippy. (:

Some people I need to thank:

Ben: Despiteall my tantrums, we survived. WHAHAHA.

Eifer: Thanks for all the support you've given me, asking me to gambate all the way. Love you guys loads. (:

Nadia: Love you to bits! You've been through all my highs and lows. Thanks for the last minute mugging with me! =P

Mummy: Thanks for all the yummy food you cook (YES MY MUM CAN COOK!!!!!), the smelly dirty clothes of mine that you washed, the eeky erky dirty flat you clean, encouraging me all the way not to give up. Oh, and congrats for passing your NZ full license driving test! So proud of you! hehe.

Janice: Thanks for just being there for me. You're a great sister. (:

Still many to thank, but I doubt they'd read this, so that list'll do. Okay I need some retail therapy now! :D Thank the Lord for the WONDERFUL weather today - the start of my winter holidays! Winter wonderland, here I come! -skips away-

P.S about the previous post, because of my wols internet, I couldn't even post my entry. Will do that soon!

Friday, June 09, 2006

wols internet.

This page took sucha long time to load!!! The same amount of time as me reading finish a set of notes. Our 20Gb usage has been used up, so we're now surfing at 64kbps, which, when divided by 4, becomes 16kbps PER person. So... yeah yeah, laugh at my wols internet. (if you don't know what wols is, you sure are wols. haha. just kidding. it's just 'slow' spelt backwards. okok, i'm the lame one) Someone's been downloading so much! This is my first time touching my lovely laptop since a week ago!

So. I am, or rather, was reading my Blood module notes(which are driving me nuts cos' I'm nowhere close to finishing). I'm. Screwed. How to finish studyingggg... ): And I don't know why students from other courses think that we med students don't have mid year exam. We do!!!! But yes, it isn't counted in finals, which is a BAD thing, at least for me. And if we fail this mid year exam, we have to see the DEAN and get TUTORIALS and sit the exam AGAIN. So I still have to study for the exams.

Exam bluessss. I thought I was going to get a breakdown soon (so I don't have to sit the exam), but no, God wants me to study like everyone else! THIS IS AN OBSTACLE I MUST OVERCOME! Come to think of it, exams do take up so much of our time. We have exams and tests so often. Try counting how many tests and exams you've taken. I'm sure it's more than 100 (if you're as old as me. yes, i'm 20 this year). EH, 听写 and Spelling tests are counted, okay!!! So if we have spelling and 听写 almost every week back in primary school, that makes it 2 tests a week. Let's say we have X weeks of 听写 and spelling. Okay, I realised that I can't be bothered to count exactly how many tests I've sat, but you know what I'm talking about. BUT THE POINT IS, EXAMS ARE DREADFUL. THEY MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE. Sigh. I still have to study.... Rat race on Tuesday! Need to go to the Anatomy Museum tomorrow morning to look at those models and try to spot what questions are coming out. Mid year exam on Thursday, which consists of 2 bloody long modules - Blood and MSK. I'm screwedddd.

Blabbers complaints grumbling sighing moaning shrieking crying snoring are sounds that can be made by me during exam periods. Call me human. Oh wait. Strike snoring out. I don't snore. unless I'm really superbly extremely ridiculously tired. Period.