Monday, August 20, 2007


holsholsholsholsholssssssss! (right after 2 CAL tests, 1 interview and 1 presentation!)

SO need this 2 weeks of break.

wakakakaka. (X

Friday, August 10, 2007


Just joined the currently most happening friends network - Facebook! No, I really hope I won't get addicted to it like what everyone says...

Anyway, I just joined the ACJC group, and saw the description of ACJC. It actually placed a smile on my face! Those days.. Lol.. The super slack days in AC.. Fun man. I won't put the entire description here, but will pick some.. Those that does apply to me.. ENJOY GUYS, especially those from ACJC! LOL.

You know you're from ACJC when..

- You have the hottest guys/girls in town

- Almost half of your friends speak Chinese worse than AngMoh

- Your pants is hanging on to your butt like it's holding on to dear life

- Your skirt is a mini-skirt... Plus your shirt is never tucked in but you pretend it is

- It takes you 18 years to realize the majority listen to Chinese music

- You start running out of class once your friends start singing "Happy Birthday", then you find yourself in the pool naked after they catch you

- When other people give you funny looks when you say the coolest place is the void deck.

- You call the stands, the bleachers.

- I can ask you if she's really the RJC prom queen and you know exactly who I'm talking about

- When you rejoice and jump up and down in LT4 after receiving a C6 for Chinese, shouting "thank you Lord!" and see people running towards you with congratulatory hugs

- You know that "mass pe" is just a cover for "mass suicide".

- When you think a 4-minute cab ride to Holland Village is perfectly acceptable and commonly practised!

- You have climbed down the side of the school near the canteen, through the fence behind the tennis courts or conned the guard with fake mc 'cause you're late

- You just can't stop drinking Milo!


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Size do matter.. In NZ.

Grr. It's not fun seeing a dress that you really really like, but there's absolutely no way to get it. Not because I got no money, but because the sizes are too BIG.

Seriously, NZ boutiques need to import more smaller sizes! I don't reckon that I'm very small (even though I'm still a S in SG), but I do think there is a DEMAND for smaller sizes!!!

This afternoon I spent about an hour shopping for a ball dress (if I could find a nice one). Saw a couple at a few shops.. But the dresses looked as if they were draped on.. Like I was a clothes hanger. It's utterly disappointing.

'Is size 8 the smallest?' I asked the sales assistant. 'Yes, I'm afraid so' would be the reply I'd get.

Went to another shop, and they had size 6! Awesome, right? No. Size 6 was still too big for me. The sales assistant of that boutique said I could well be a size 4.

But who's ever heard of size 4s in NZ?! Smallest size I've ever seen is 6. It's funny though. When I shop at Glasson's/Portmans I can fit into the smallest size perfectly.. But when it comes to dresses it's like a totally different thing.


Daniel Yam would be the peeeerfect shop to be at right now. Too bad they haven't got a branch here.


Wednesday, August 01, 2007



Cool, Korean poster!

Damn, the donut's tempting me to go to KO's donuts!!!!! (Too bad it's closed now... Aww.)

Saw the preview of the movie when I watch Transformers (SUPER GD SHOW TOO), and all I remember was 'SPIDER PIG! SPIDER PIG!' Hahahaha. That already made me laugh my pants off (not literally, of cos!). (: Wanted to watch yesterday (cos it was the day we pay only 9bucks for movie tix!) but it was sold out by the time we got there. LAME. Can only watch next week after James is done with his assignment... ): Saw the bottle they're selling though! SO CUTEEEEEEEEE! Will take a photo of it once I get it muahahaha. (X

CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

My turn..

To be sick. Right after blogging about James (previous post), I got the fever that night.. And the following night.. And the night after.. Until today. Hopefully I won't get the fever again tonight.. Feel so weak and crappy and all I wanna do is sleep.. Head hurts so badly and I just can't get down to do anything these days. It's terrible and sad. I feel useless and everything is piling up... I've got so many activities in mind, but all may have to be postponed because I'm sick..

BUT, on the good side (Thank God for that!)..

.. Yours truly is staying back in Dunedin for my clinicals! (: yayyayyayyayyay.

Events coming up!

  • Med Revue! Anticipating some sick med jokes from our class! Hope it's not gonna be very lame...
  • National Day lunch.. Hmm.. What am I gonna be cooking......... Can't wait to taste SG food again.. It's been awhile.. Unless you count kaya toast lah.. I have that like twice a week..
  • Med BALL! (: It's gonna be our final year together! Have to go have to go!
  • Back to CAL tests and blah