Friday, August 05, 2005

what curry chicken for National Day again?!!

Tomorrow the Otago Singapore Club (OSC) here in Dunedin would be celebrating Singapore's National Day, 3 days earlier to be exact. I can't wait!!! The committee has come up with a list of local food that we can cook, taking in consideration the limited ingredients we can get here. =\ I will be in charge of grilling chicken nibbles (Okay, that's definitely not local food, but it's a popular snack! HAHAHA.). Besides, it's darn easy man. The chicken nibbles are already marinated, so I just need ovens! Oh, and I heard there would be yummy food like chicken rice, agar agar, bee hoon, rojak, carrot cake, dumplings, koniyaku and so much more!!

Kill me please! I can't wait till tomorrow! Gimmi the food now! Such a wide variety of food! Now you understand how deprived I am here in NZ.

Ben (aka THE co-president of OSC) is supposed to somehow or other get a pot of chicken curry for tomorrow's potluck! He is so gonna get whipped tomorrow lah, because he hasn't got a recipe (duh!), and he's planning to just bring a large pot to New Dynasty Restaurant (this chinese restaurant i don't really like) and ask them to do it for him!!


New Dynasty Restaurant is owned by Chinese, as in China Chinese. Please, do their chicken curry taste any similar to Singapore's curry chicken? (HEY, is it Chicken Curry or Curry Chicken, and is it Fish Head Curry or Curry Fish Head?!??! I AM SO CONFUSED!) A straight no-no from me, dude. You just gotta somehow come to the potluck session with a pot full of authentic SINGAPORE CHICKEN CURRY. Giddit dear?! Or else just come EMPTY HANDED if you like? People would just have a different opinion of you that's all. -rofl- Ooookay, I'm gonna get screwed by him if he reads this.

What do you miss most about Singapore?
Ben: 'Local food!!!' (smiling with arms wide open)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I just cannot stop teasing him about that. It's from a short clip made by some of the people in Dunedin, shooting for some NDP thing this year. And Ben was made to say what he misses most about Singapore. Some people (like me) weren't there in Dunedin cos it was taken during the holidays. I was back in Singapore enjoying the heat. I was about to upload the 'local food!' part from the video, but decided not to be so evil. -sniggers-

Well, what do I miss most about Singapore? I think it would be that weather (YES! Let me sweat like a pig! I don't mind!!), local food (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA), friends and family, the super public tranport system, being able to wear my shorts and mini skirts.. ): If Dunedin gives me good weather, I'd be a quarter happier. (: Sweet as.

'Kia Ora. Happy birthday, Singapore!!!!'

Let's reach out for the skies, with wings we soar up high. Our dreams, we'll all achieve. Let's soar and reach for the skies. --'Reach out for the skies' by Rui En and Taufik.


puipo said...

Happy Birthday,Singapore!
Happy national day to all simgaporean!!

i think is curry chicken,curry fish head..
by the way..pls dont order curry chicken from ND la...
is not gonna be sg style curry..

jaccy said...

i want to see the cliP!! haha....