Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Clinicals.. Finally!!!

You must be excited to listen to my stories after the 2nd day of being in the wards as a 4th year med student right?! Bet you are, lah. (: Cos I am as excited as you are! (until this registrar today crashed my excitement and burst this happy bubble of mine)

ANYWAY! I was actually freaking out when the lecturer was telling us that we were going to talk and examine patients ON THE FIRST DAY BACK TO SCHOOL. My facial expression at that moment : 0.0!!!

It had always been an awesome feeling thinking that I'd be able to finally DO something in the wards, but when it comes to the real stuff, I blanked out. 0.0!!! again. Haha! But I came to my senses and I (and the rest of my group mates) followed the instructions and we did it! (:(:(: Proud of us, right? LOL.

So, we've learnt about history taking, general examination and cardiology examination these 2 days! Not too bad a progress for us. I personally prefer clinicals c/f endless lectures. All was well for me until we met the Cardiology registrar who taught us the examination and brought us to see 2 patients at the wards.

GOSH. The horror. She is THE Christina Yang of Grey's Anatomy I CAN PROMISE YOU ON THAT! She knows everything about the heart!! AKA the Cardio Queen. Hurhur. Aortic/mitral regurgitation, stenosis, stents, bypass procedures, pressures of LV/RV/RA/LA/JVP and their waves, CHF, weird syndromes like CREST Syndrome etcetc PLUS their common presentation. She is THE bullet train that talks so fast we all just stare blankly at her. Like this: 0.0

AND..... Well I don't think she means to, but she tends to put us 4th years down quite abit by shooting CRAZILY difficult questions to every single one of us and we just all stare back blankly. Like this: 0.0 I mean, she's not THAT old. She's probably in her late twenties, but she's like a GODDESS! I can't stand it!! I was talking to my group mate and just pondering when I'll ever be as pro as her. But gosh, I wouldn't want to be as mean to 4th students like her! She probably graduated a long time ago and forgot how it felt like being a 4th year student DURING THEIR 2ND DAY OF SCHOOL. 0.0

Oh well! That's my bit on my 2 days of 4th year. Thank GOd for Waitangi Day tomorrow. A day of break from this craziness is actually very good. LOL.

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