Monday, September 26, 2005


To: 某某人

2 days ago, it was your birthday. I definitely didn't forget about it. Even though I haven't seen you for almost forever, I just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday, all the way from Kiwi-cum-Moomoo land. Best wishes, my friend. I know, let bygones be bygones, but somehow I know that deep in my heart, I will never forgive myself for my wrong doings. It was comforting to know that you have forgiven me, but this guilt has been living with me for the longest time. I can barely forgive myself for being such a b*tch - leaving such a bad impression of myself in your head. How I wish I can turn back time and undo all that I have stupidly done. Oh well. All I hope is to see you again, and rekindle the old times..

I will always treasure the joy you bring, and cherish with fondness as memories ring..



Stephanie Low said...

Rubbish ppl again.

Who's that mou mou ren?
*kpo prawn*

Anonymous said...

suck it.. spams again.......
ehh.. anyway.. time to let go of it.. and just mk sure not to do it again.. :P i've carried guilt with me for more than 2 yrs b4 too..haha.. so i noe how u feel.. Just wish that he will move on with life.. Hmm perhaps, that is onli when you will learn to let it go..