Monday, September 19, 2005

Life's like this.

Sometimes, being confident may not be a good thing. True, many people may agree that optimists who are confident lead happier lives.. But, what if you're confident, for eg, you were confident that you'll score quite well for this test, in the end the marks turn out crappy. Don't you feel like you've been thrown from the peak of the mountain down to sea level? Okay, maybe that's what I call over-confident. Damn, I hate feeling as if I've plunged down a few million feet.. Totally sucks. Oh well, it happens to me so many times.. I just hope I don't get immune to it.. Disappointments after disappointments..

Sorry, the recent posts have been so crappy and saddening.. But I'm trying my best to get back on track, feel happy, and be my old self.. So many problems.. So many thoughts.. Floating in my mind.. Personal problems.. Academic problems.. Blahblahblah. Well, life's like this aye? That makes life a rollercoaster ride.. Like what everyone says.. So I shall be happy again.. Smile Jesssssssssssssssssssssssss! (:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(: No matter what, all's under God's hand.. He will make a way for me. Nothing's under my total control, and I can't do much about them.. 神已造了人生的路。

God will make a Way, when there seems to be no Way. He works in Ways we cannot see, He will make a Way for me. Definitely, absolutely, 100% right.

I feel so much better now.

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