Thursday, March 15, 2007

40 Hour Famine!

Before I go to bed, I just want to say that I'm EXHILARATED yet scared about my 40 hour famine, which starts tomorrow evening at 4pm NZ time!

In case you guys don't know, I signed up for 40 hour famine, a programme in collaboration with World Vision, to help raise funds to help kids in more than 12 developing countries, whether it's a contribution for immunization, clothings or things needed for school. Basically, 40 hour famine works like this: anyone can take up a challenge and have a 40 hour period of NOT doing something that they always do/take for granted. For example, talking/eating/using the computer etc. So since I haven't tried NOT eating after more than 5 hours without food before (i get hungry so often!!), I decided to do a 40 hour famine!

Currently, my sponsors helped raise more than one hundred dollars for my effort! I was really shocked, because I didn't think I would help raise that huge sum of money! Haha, I haven't done my famine yet, but THANK YOU GUYS, every single one of you. I will try my very best to accomplish my mission and help save these poor kids. No food, just Ribena to keep me sane and LESS hungry. (:
I plan to do like a few hours update on my blog, so next time when I look back on what I did for 40 hour famine, I would understand how hard it is to be hungry for such a long period of time. What do you guys think?

Only problem is that I'm still SICK.. Coughing my lungs out since forever.. Pray that I'll get well soon and nothing will go wrong while I starve.. Haha.

Visit to sponsor me NOW, and help save the kids!



nadia said...

you go girl!!! =) we can do it!

reddaisie said...

go go jess..
i feel like doing it myself too...but 40 hours without food..i think i will die :(
probably i will have to do something else..40 hours without....hmm...dunno