Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Boy Schools

I had a chance to pick my brother up from school the other day, and honestly speaking, I haven't seen SO MANY boys in the same place at the same time in my entire LIFE.

I saw the littlest Primary 1 boys HOLDING HANDS with each other (uber cute!), as they snaked their way down the stairwell towards the canteen to have their lunch break. They all looked so tiny and innocent! Some of them were probably only 1.1m tall! I kept commenting to my maid that they were SO cute and I just wanted to pinch their cheeks! The older ones were less cute, but still adorable. Haha. Because they're more independent, you would see their heads bobbing up and down, looking for their parents/domestic maid to pick them up from school. Some just walked out of school with their friends.

It's just crazy to see the range of school bags they have! For the younger ones, there's still the usuals - Pokemon, Power Ranger, Bobdog, oh, and those oh-so-famous TROLLEY BAGS! HAHA!!!! I even saw one chubby boy dragging his trolley bag down as he walked down the stairs. It's super funny, I tell you. And for the older ones like Jonathan (omg I really don't think Jon is very old, but well, older than the rest of them since he's P6), there's CRUMPLER, Billabong, Quiksilver etc. I think I saw at least 5 with Crumpler bags. No wonder Jonathan wanted a Crumpler bag SO MUCH. These kids sure know how to appreciate branded goods.

I don't know how many of them were in the canteen! There were just hundreds and hundreds of them streaming in and out of the place! I must say that Catholic High Primary's intake is super huge lah. You could also smell the stench from all the BOYS. omgomgomg. Very stinky indeed. Imagine those boys playing soccer during recess, then perspire like pigs then go back to class again for the rest of the day. Man.... I can't imagine. Me in a mixed school for 4 years was enough man.

Back in MY days, my primary school had only 3-5 classes per standard. 97 graduated from my standard. That's how small the intake is. Haha.

All I can say is, I hope those Cat High boys won't come out from that school being some loser despos, so hated by so many people, especially those from mixed schools. Some of them act as if they haven't seen a girl before. Eew, GROSS!


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