Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Walking In The Rain - A1


It's raining cats and dogs AGAIN. Sometimes I thank the Lord for the rain, cos' I can sleep in and my sleep would be a better one. But rain always makes me feel depressed. Don't ask me why, cos I don't know either.

When I was lil' Jessica, I always thought that it'd rain when someone in this world is crying, and the rain would stop if that person stops crying. For sure, I know now that it isn't true after all. But it seemed so real, cos' there was really a time when I cried and it started raining, and the rain stopped when I stopped. That's the most amazing thing ever. But, oh well, now I'm no longer in some fairy tale life, the reality is that rain is actually part of the water cycle. Boo. How boring is that?

Surely, there will be someone in this world crying at this instant. He/she could be crying cos' he/she ran first in her annual school marathon, he/she could be crying cos' he/she has lost a loved one, or he/she could be crying because it's raining. -.- Okay, that's highly improbable.

People always describe rain as a depressing event, like a down in your life, but after the rain, the rainbow comes out, and life seems to be better - the up in your life. Why don't we look at rain as a good thing? After all, rain is also created by God. Somewhere in this world, a little town may be in need for water, cos' it hasn't been raining for ages, and they're all thirsty and dehydrated. Rain can actually save their lives, to replenish them so they can work in the fields again. Rain water can be reused to water our plants. Rain can make a city go all so romantic. (hur hur hur) Rain can make Singapore cooler. Rain can turn into snow if it's really cold, so kids can play and have fun (excludes getting sick). After the rain, there's a pretty rainbow.

Rainbow Brite, one of the many cartoons I watched when I was a kid.

Wow, so rain isn't a bad thing after all. I think I need to change my perspective of rain now. Something I've learnt after typing this post out - I need to write things down so I can ponder long about them. Do give yourselves time to think of stuff. Not nonsensical stuff, that is.

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