Saturday, May 31, 2008

Post on-call.

Sunrise ( or post sunrise?) at 8am. Taken by JAMES CHANG.

I had intentions of staying at the hospital a wee bit longer for more drawing of blood from patients (need more practice.. saw my colleague this morning going around the ward with the trolley and saw her draw blood from a patient. SHE WAS DAMN PRO. oh man!! i'm sucha noob.), but I developed this sort of tension headache minutes before my very informal presentation to my consultant, and I was definitely gonna inflict harm on my patients, so I skipped.

Man, waking up at 730am after a 15hour shift he day before is not funny. I even had to miss my baking session with Lyds, Jen and Rach this afternoon....... ZZZ. After lunch at Subway (haven't had that for AGES! Miss it so much..), got a Mocha Latte and went home to... Chill. It was awesome. Just enjoying my coffee and not thinking of anything to do with the hospital is really very relaxing. I haven't been so tired before, and neither have I enjoyed Saturday as much as I am now. Thank God for weekends. Seriously.

James is complaining that I'm not talking about him again. James is very happy because he finished his assignment so he can enjoy his weekend, with me. HAHA. We haven't been spending much time together cos' of out busy schedules, mostly because of my on calls. So this is a good time. (:

Gonna enjoy a movie with him now. Tata.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey dearie.. oh gosh.. we were all thinking of you at the baking session today but not to worry.. we will plan another session when ur acute med run has ended and we will have a feast then ok?! Take care and have a good rest! miss ya heaps!