Thursday, December 13, 2007

My poor AJ. ):

Dear AJ,

You still look so cute, so huggable, so innocent.. But, you were different this morning. Your vision seemed distant, and worse, you hardly moved from the spot you were carried to this morning.. My baby AJ, when Aunty Lyn tried touching your hind legs, you gave out a high pitched cry, as if pleading her not to do that again.. And when we propped you up to walk a few steps for us to see, you seemed to be dragging yourself with your 2 front ones. 姐姐 don't know what's going on, and Mummy's not in Singapore either... So 姐姐 and Aunty Lyn brought you to the vet to check you out..

When Dr. Vet examined you during your appointment, you whimpered a few times, but you were a good boy, because you stood still and allowed Dr. Vet to find out what's happening to your poor little body. Dr. Vet says you may have a compressed spinal cord, causing a pain to your right hind leg. She also said you MAY have Arthritis, or, it could just be a sprain.

Your vet appointment came up to quite a hefty sum, but with the medications given, I hope Little AJ will be a good boy and take his medications and return to your normal self! Soon we'll play again and you'll once again greet us at the door, bringing our slippers to us.


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