Thursday, March 09, 2006

Help. Seriously. Help.

Now that school's started (officially), work starts piling up like mountains. So I'm buried under all my notes and books, swimming around, trying to get a gasp of air whilst drowning in the heavy workload.

I am sooooooo... SOOO busy these days. 9-5 everyday. And guess what? It gets worse next week. 9-5 everyday (except fri i think), with 1 hour break! Where have my 3-4hour breaks gone to?!


I've been posted to Wellington to do my ECC week. Just got the tickets this evening. Hopefully I'll learn alot there, and also get around the capital city. ALong with Nad and Theresa. I think it'd be loads of fun. Hee.

THANK GOD Thazin finally got herself using the school's network to contact us of her wellbeing. I seriously thought she was lost somewhere in KL. Take care ah, Thazin!

Janice and I are doing OKAY here.. Just getting bored.. Luckily we've got each other, otherwise I'll go into depression. I do enjoy cooking with her, eating with her, chatting with her.. We've got so much to talk about.. And so much telepathy. I don't think any 2 people got as much telepathy as the both of us. We can comment on something OUT OF THE BLUE. Sing the same sentence of a song OUT OF THE BLUE. Want to do the same thing OUT OF THE BLUE. How's that for sisters. Haha. Cool aye? xD

Weather's getting bad baD bAD BAD. Raining, hailing, strong winds, messy hair, dry skin. Add altogether and you get Dunedin. Brrr. Please look at Janice's current MSN nick:
jaNicE---* brRrr.. its cold in here! there must be some cheungies in this atmosphere! i say brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

Wah. So 'bring it on'-ish. LOL. By the way, 'cheungies' stands for the cheung sisters (us).

Weekends are endless too. Not in a good way. Busy with everything. I don't know how long I can take it with so little time for myself. I haven't been blogging lately, have I?

This post is so random.

1 comment:

Qi said...

It's only the start of the path girl... don't put too much stress on yourself yah? We are always supporting you! Stressed or bored, we are here for you! : )