Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Hi people. Yes, I'm back in Singapore and I got a job at the hospital, like.. Finally.

I've been so busy with work , but I quite like being busy, at least I'm not slacking and lazing around. (: I'm currently working as a pharmacy assistant, so I gotta pack medicine for the pharmacists who will dispense them to the patients waiting outside. So I gotta stand for at least 7-8 hours. Yeah, it's quite bad for my feet (they hurt soooo much can), but I gotta 忍.


Too bad I don't quite like the mentality of the people working there. Oh well! I'm just a temp, so it's okay. I guess tomorrow and Friday would be even busier!!! I hope they'll get more people to help out.

OKAY, ENOUGH OF MY JOB. Hong Kong was DAMN fun can... Even though it was a short trip, I managed to catch up with all my relatives, and YES, shopping like no one's businessssss!

-bounces around the room-

Haha, actually I didn't think we spent THAT much (except for my Lesportsac sweeties). We got out alot from Hong Kong, not just the food (dimsumdimsumdimsum, gai dan zai omg my favourite, dai ga lok!, steamboat with a different style, chinese restaurants, seafood restaurants omgggg), but also the clothes and accessories and bags and what nots. It was terrific. I haven't been back for 3 years, and for my sister, 5, so it was so great going back to see my aunties and uncle and cousins and grandparents. It was so difficult saying goodbye, because we only meet once every few years... AWW, I miss them already. Till we meet again, relatives of HK. Lol.

Okay! TV time for me. Relac relac abit before going to sleep. (: I miss all of you out there!! My chatterbox's veen very quiet aye? Are all of you aliveeee? Lol. HI ALL!

Alright, toodles for now. lalala-

Oh, photos ah? I haven't gathered all the photos yet, so I'll post them up later. (: Hehe.

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