Tuesday, March 15, 2005

so here i am 'stealing' bandwidth from ben's flat again. haha. but great news !! my internet will be up and ready by tomorrow !!! YIPPY. a really longggggg wait man. but thats provided IF ben actually sets up the modem and everything for me.. you know what? i gotta TREAT him to a meal at New Dynasty before he agrees to do it for me..


lol. but i'm sure he was just joking.. (i hope) but who cares who is gonna treat.. I'M STARVING.

ironically, i had a helluva LARGE appetite yesterday.. in the morning i had a pear and a muesli bar, then when i went to ben's place, i started having 'gastric' or something.. my stomach was contracting like never before.. so i had 2 pieces of bread with honey and jam. after another lecture i went home and had an apple, and then a packet of Tiny Teddy cookies and a piece of Sultana Biscuit, then another apple. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and the THING with my tummy was NOT getting better! in fact, it was getting worse! i thought i had some gastric or something thats why i tried eating quite abit.. but to no avail. ): for dinner, i had a bowl of porridge and it was still aching.. so i just lied on the sofa while watching some repeated serials of Friends, The Simpsons and a NZ talk show- 60 minutes before i started.....



HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. this may sound gross but YEAH! after all the farting i was DOUBLE OKAY! woohoo. dunno what was wrong with my tummy, but all i could think of now is HOW TO LOSE ALL THOSE WEIGHT i gained from yesterday's MEALS. phew. what a day man.

lalala.. oh! 5 more days to 1st year anniversary.. hehehe. dunno why am i so excited.. one of my flatmates was comparing the length of her relationship with her current bf.. 3 years mAN!! tsk tsk. that's LOOOOOOONG. so 1 year to her is nothing much.. but it is to me..! *shy expression* hahaha.

so in 40min time, i will be having my lunch at New Dynasty with my flatmate and ben. you know what.. i gained weight since i came back lah.. I'M SO SAD!! i was webcamming with jan the other day and she said i gainaed weight.. *WAILS* seeeeeee?!??!?!?!? don't you get it?!?! when i say i gained some weight it really means i GAINED WEIGHT!! hmphs.

uncle lee brought the steamboat mum asked him to bring for me just yesterday afternoon!! YAYYYS. she also passed some bak kut teh ingredients and cai4 xin1 and a bottle of sambal chilli to him. hahaha. SINGAPORE IMPORTED GOODS!! sweeeeeet. now my flat has got so many plastic bags from Fair Price.. lol.

ok.. gtg now. better not be sucha 'THIEF' anymore.. (refer to first sentence of the post)


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