Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Trust. Lead not on your own understanding.

There always is a time when stress level gets higher and higher, until there's no way you can breathe. Breathe, breathe, breathe.

Honestly, I don't know if I'm coping well in my course. Computer tests are a dread to me, even though they're there to help us understand our modules. I just can't get used to answering questions without a paper and a pen. It's just... Weird. And I never ever do well for any of my computer tests. People in my class are definitely not as stressed and as uptight as Miss Cheung here.

Sigh. Maybe I'm just too stupid. Someone get me outta this pit. I feel like the stupidest person on earth, and the stress-est person in the universe. Nothing is going right. I pray hard everyday and night for my family, my friends, thanking the Lord for everything. Maybe God just wants me to study harder and understand my modules better, before even attempting the tests.

No matter what, He's always with me. Rely on Him, because He's great. I recommend Him to you.

1 comment:

Qi said...


Relax, relax. Sometimes it's because of too much stress that causes under-performance. Relax, relax.

You can do it. : )