Thursday, April 28, 2005

haven't blogged for sucha long time!

how r u guys? fine? i'm having my one week holiday now.. NOT as song as you guys think.. trying to study as much as i can.. WHILE playing and having fun at the same time.. haha.

had steamboat sessions, picnic sessions, chat whole day long sessions, late night movie sessions ETC. oh, and gym sessions. lol! since nien my flatmate is leaving us real soon to go back to msia, i'm trying to spend abit more time with her.. (: HI NIEN! LOL.

oh, by the way, i'm arriving in singapore on the evening of 16th june, but returning a little earlier.. 5th july.. i think.

nothing quite significant happened these past 2 weeks, just gotta watch how much time i'm spending in front of my monitor screen. it's quite scary to actually count how many hours i spend using the laptop. eeks.

when guys are really so obsessed in their games, is it really really tough for them to quite playing them? i've tried umpteen times asking ben to STOP playing ROSE online (which is really, personally, a ridiculous game), and reminded him that the higher his level gets, the more he won't stop playing.. he just can't stop playing the game. so sick of telling him to end this evil 'game cycle'. even if he stops playing ROSE, he will still play something else.

HOW! can someone advise me on how i can ask him to concentrate on his studies and don't play so much? he's not only neglecting his studies, he neglecting.. me as well. -wails- alrite, it's actually NOT that serious lah, but i just don't want him to play that game! i'm sooooo against people playing that game now (sorry if you're actually playing it =X). sigh.

BUT nevertheless, its the holidays and i should work and play hard at the same time. YAYY! epidemiology terms test next saturday, CUM ASEAN night on the same day. 6 girls (including me) will be dancing the Fundance2002 on that day! remember that dance or not ppl!?


refreshed your memory?! yeah, but steps are added into the dance lah, so it won't look so retarding.. REPRESENTING SINGAPORE MAN! haha. hopefully we won't xia suay on that day. -ROFL-

aaaaaaight, gotta hang my clothes now. its a B-E-A-UTIFUL day today, miraculously. yayy! happy day today, cos it's ALSO chungie bday!!!

Happy 19th Birthday, Chungie Chung Chung!!! May all your wishes come true and may you grow in the embracement of God! yayyyyyyyyyyyy! hip hip hurray! hahaha. it'a a pity i can't join you guys for the birthday celebration, but i'm spiritually there yeaH?! give you guys the enthusiam and everything. lol.


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