Thursday, January 10, 2008

Putting your life into their hands

Tomorrow marks the last day of my hospital attachment.

Gosh. Honestly speaking, I really don't know how doctors do it. The longgg hours (for junior doctors and some really thoughtful senior consultants) and the whole chunk of information they have to remember, keeping in mind that the patient's prognosis do rely quite heavily on investigations, medications etc as decided by the doctors.

I really can't imagine having someone's life in my hands. Okay, maybe that's more relevant in the Emergency Department, but just having someone to rely on my knowledge and decisions is just too heavy a duty for me.

Maybe I'll have to be more confident in myself and study harder so my patients won't die in my hands in future. HAHA.

It's been such a hectic week, with all the last meetings, dinners, coffee-ing before I depart for NZ. So gonna miss SGP. ):

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