Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The FIRST random post of the year!

A break from all the Summer in Singapore posts.

I've been the mum of the house these days, even though my REAL mum's in town for a week! Cooking and watching drama and cooking and sleeping for the whole week it's crazy man. == I'm practically in the apron for half the day!!! I don't want to miss out on my youthhh... Don't do this to me already my sister and my boyfriend and my mother.. Jess wants to have fun! She's only 22 this year leh, not 44! Gees. Okay, I'm exaggerating. Mum had been a great help with rearranging stuff at our new place and just making the apartment look a whole lot neater! Thanks mum! You're the best! (;

Talking about dramas, I've finished Season 4 of Grey's Anatomy and Season 1 of Gossip Girl and just started on Season 4 of House just this week! How exciting, right? I'm such an in mum (what the..) == Don't take that for real. Grey's ended kinda abruptly I actually thought there was more to come. So that was kinda disappointing. And Gossip Girl is SO GOSSIPY ohmygoodness. But the last episode makes me (and most of my other friends watching it) wanting to catch Season 2 so badly! And for House, as usual, that nutty doc is still on the loose and is still being very unethical and super sarcastic and funny all the time. Although I must say that the cases that House handles are VERY rare... I don't think it's my lake of medical knowledge, but the names of the diagnoses are like super long foreign names. :\

Anyho. School officially starts next Monday! Was speaking with Halim on MSN an hour ago (GOSH it's been a long time since we last chatted!) and was telling him how excited I was for school to start. Guess what he said. "I thought only nerds and geeks get excited for school to reopen?"

==" Thanks alot, Halim.

School's different from us 4th yrs, cos... We're doing clinicals starting this year! Which means I get to go around the hospital and taking histories from patients, writing up long cases, doing presentations, stammering to get the right words to say to the registrars when they start shooting questions like noone's business. Okay, I'm scaring myself already I should stop.

I can feel the same ol' crampy feeling at my abdominal area again. Argh. No wonder I've been having those crazy mood swings these days.. Poor boyfriend.

Jen's coming back soon and yes Jen, we gotta meet up! And of course, yum char at Golden Harvest ya? Anyway, I have to show you this really odd CREATURE in GH's fish tank!!!!!! I don't actually know its species. All I can say is that it's white with a little bit of pinkish pigmentation on its head, got a huge head, as big as 1 1/2 of my palm, has 4 FEET OMG, HAS A LONG TAIL OMG. And I don't know what on earth that is. Looks like a lizard looking thing, and a fish, and a big as tadpole. My sister just calls it the albino tadpole. =="" It looked cute to me at first with its little fins on its head moving with the flow of the water like a baby dragon, but after staring at it a little longer, it looks kinda gross.. like an albino tadpole. ==

OMG!!!!!!!!!! Guess what? I just Googled 'white fish with legs' and found a picture of that seriously gross looking animal!!!! Anyway, check it out!

That albino tadpole looks EXACTLY like this fellow here! Anyway, this weird looking animal is called the Axolotl (pronounced Ax-oh-lot-ul), scientific name Ambystoma mexicanum. Okay, can I clarify this? Australians and NZers actually KNOW this animal?! According to this website, Aussies and Kiwis call this the Mexican walking fish. Eew. Then why is that my first time seeing it... And funnily, in a Chinese restaurant?!

Oh gosh, a whole tank of them.

Anyway, they're a kind of salamander. No wonder they look so.. Weird. I'm so sorry to animal lovers who like this animal.. I just found it kinda freaky. And guess what? I'm still gonna patronize GH for its dim sum despite this animal being there hahaha.

Okay I'm very sleepy now I'm gonna end this crazily long post. Bye all.

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