Monday, October 22, 2007


Okay, I think that's only relevant to those in NZ. But still, HAPPY LABOUR DAY! :D

Since it's a public holiday (AND a day from my study week), I've decided to bake pandan cake (YUMYUMYUM)... HEHE.. Will do it later at James'. Mum and Jon are here for a week too, but leaving tmr.. HAHAHA.. So James and I decided to make dinner for them before they fly off.. Aww.

Finally settled for accomo next year. All I can say is the flat's very centralised and it's all to both my sis and I! 2 rooms!! Yayayayay. (:* The apartment shall be called 'under one roof', because the restaurant above us is called ROOFTOP Restaurant! Okay, abit at the lame side, but still happy because I've got a place to live in next year!

Reminder to self: 12 days to 1st paper! CRAP.

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