Sunday, March 18, 2007

40 Hour Famine Part 3

-oh yeah, oh yeah, it's your birthday, it's your birthday-

HAHA. I just felt like boogie-ing and singing this song! I'm officially in my 36th hour! Hurrah! I do feel a little bit hungry, but it isn't overwhelming... (:

Thank you PaoPao, Lyds, Joseph, Nadia, and all who supported me during my famine.. Feels so great accomplishing something!

And thank you for sponsoring me! So many people to thank, even my mum! Hahaha.

Slept for probably 7 hours.. I wonder what woke me up... I'm still sleepy, but I feel like searching for more recipes! I was browsing through YummyDummy's and OMG, the pictures of food he puts up.. AWESOME! I miss Singapore partly because of the food - cheap and SUPER yummy. Loves it.

To Nadia and those who has officially finished their famine, GOOD ON YOU GUYS! Awesome, awesome contribution from all of you! You deserve a pat on your backs! -pat!- Hahaha. Alright, back to my recipe search. Toodles!

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