Friday, December 29, 2006


It's been raining non-stop for (I think) the past 2 weeks! It's unbelievable!! Where did the clouds come from?


While I'm out, never once did I fail to stick my feet into a puddle deep enough to get my whole foot submerged into MUD/RAINWATER. Then I'd give a shriek-y 'ahh!' after that. My brother's too familiar with that. :S

I'm not like this guy lah, happily stepping into every puddle...

I don't know how many times I've complained about how rain dampens my mood, but it's true LOH. Moreover, THIS rain has indeed caused alot of trouble and damage to Singapore and other neighbouring countries.

People would recall that a week ago, the florists along Thomson Road were flooded cos they were on low grounds, and one of the workers found a koi swimming around in rain water. How cool was that? Haha! I saw the koi on TV too! But I heard it went missing again. Then on yesterday's news, the construction of a new car park was affected as all those excavators engulfed by the flood caused by the heavy downpour. The whole construction site was just so muddy they couldn't even continue with the building! Plus a house got one of its walls collapsing and had the whole family and immediate neighbours to evacuate out of their own houses.

I know for many neighbouring countries like Malaysia, there were casualties and hundreds evacuated from their homes. Do you call the flooding this monsoon season a natural disaster? My mum told me that it's been awhile since the monsoon season had so much rainfall. She vividly remembers her primary school days when it used to rain like that almost every December, but stopped until it returned again this year. I can't even imagine how much damage Singapore would have to suffer from back in those days. Scary, but at the same time, feeling safe and thankful because we're now living in the present.

Dark clouds..

What's been going on with my life this monsoon season? Well, basically despite the rain, I still go out almost everyday, as per normal. Haha. I was hoping that ABC hospital would call me anytime soon to start work, but obviously it didn't. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THAT LITTLE LIGHT OF HOPE that I'd get the job, THEN THROWING ME DOWN INTO A DEEP PIT and asking me to wait for a response from the HR. It's been 3 weeks since I applied for that job, and I just feel like... ROAR! A lion. HAHA. Lame. I don't get it!! Even if they don't need me for the job, can't they just CALL? Just push 8 numbers and apologize! Isn't that simple! I'm kinda in limbo right now, and I feel like some kind of lazy bummer shopping and slacking her holidays. Aiyah, it's useless complaining. Anyway I have something more meaningful to do this summer holiday. lalala.

Clouds, blow your way to other places can? No no, or you'd affect other countries. Erm, why don't you just disappear! You guys have done your job well, yah, the rain and all, so... Congratulations! You've accomplished your mission, so just disappear my fluffy lil' clouds! Give us a clear blue sky again! You also caused my internet to slow down and disallowed me to blog and surf and MSN. Internet flight bookings were also affected because of your rain... ):

I'll wait for you, rainbow!

Today, I see sunlight, but will it last? Because I still see you guys hanging around, and can just start pouring rain down on us again. Shall I sing a song to make you happy? How does Rain, rain go away sound to you? Boring? Crappers. I know I can chase you guys away with my terrible voice, but it's a pity I don't have any songs about rain to sing to you. So I and the people of SEA shall just wait for you to vanish. Soon. Enough. I want to see rainbows and sunlight!

Today's forecast. THANKS AH!

1 comment:

nadia said...

thanks for today!

*HUGS* =)