Friday, November 10, 2006

Clammy Day!!

Yup! I'm here to blog about this interesting day! It was Karwai who suggested this clam picking day, and I was honestly thrilled because I haven't picked any clams before! Ignorant me actually thought that clams open their shells and may bite!! HAHA. And yes, that isn't true at all. They're absolutely harmless and if their shells are apart, my clam pickers say "DON'T PICK THEM UP. Not nice to eat already." :D So I just followed their instructions!

Clam-pickers for the day: karwai, me, paopao, lawrence, hooixian, joshua and ben!

Monday was a really windy day! Thank God I wore a hoodie, or else my teeth would be chattering!

Photo shots before our MISSION! Girls vs guys! Haha!! being the really mafan girls, we had so many photo shots, while the guys just had 1 perfect one. (:

Picking clams isn't a very tough job at all (except for shoulder and back aches after picking for so long!). However, finding big ones can be a difficult task to accomplish. Where are you, Queen clam???

Clam picking time! it was freeeezing cold that day!! imagine how the girls were taking this... brrr!! hooixian couldn't stand the cold and went back into the car.. aww..

We had a competition too! Whoever who managed to pick the biggest clam shall get a treat from everyone! Fish and chips to the winner!!

Funny thing was, though it was a day of clam picking, we didn't even have a photo of our clams!!! Instead, I had photos of the crabs I caught! Check those lil' cuties out!

I actually caught 2. The one in my hand is different from the one swimming in the water.. haha

I managed to catch one of them because it bit Ben!! Hahahaha. Poor Ben! Everyone said I should let the crab go.. So, I had to throw it far far away so it won't bite ben again...

On your mark... Get set...



AWW. I feel cruel. ):

After about an hour of clam picking, we decided to go mussel plucking! HAHA, funny action word! PLUCKING.

Lawrence... Always trying to be funny. No lah, he is actually a very humorous guy.. (: An artistic photo by the way!

Unfortunately, the tide was too high, so we didn't find any that day... Sad. But it was all in the name of fun!

Stopped by a playground for some fun on the swing! Swings are just lovely. I always hop onto one when I see one. The wind in your hair... Ahhhh~ Hahaha

At the end of the day, I caught the biggest clam! YAY! And Karwai was awarded the most hardworking clam picker! LOL.

The fish and chips I 'won'! :D Thanks Karwai! The blue cod I tried from Fish Inn is SO good!!! FRESH!

Though the weather wasn't as fine as we expected, but the company was absolutely great. Thanks guys!! You made my day. (:

Interstingly, I don't eat clams! i don't find them really yummy, and that includes mussels, lala, cockles etc. But it was fun picking clams! HEHE. Karwai was supposed to make omelette with clams for the rest of them, but she reported that the clams were sooo tiny!! NOOOO, we have to pick more clams in future!! The big ones have yet to be picked up! WE SHALL TRY TO PICK BIG ONES IN FUTURE.

But nevertheless, cheers to our friendship! :D:D:D


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