Thursday, July 06, 2006


A picture of windy Wellington. Not taken by me. Found it online. (:

Cold and windy in Wellington right now. It's been this way for almost 3 days... Getting blown away ain't fun!!!

How I wish I were back in Dunedin, in my flat along Great King, in my room number 4, snuggled in my bed wrapped in the pretty pink polar fleece blankie I got for my birthday (thanks Hooi Xian, Josh, Kar Wai and Larence!), drinking Milo... AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Gees. I'm daydreaming so early in the day. Whaha.

ECC has been great. Visited different places, oragnisations, support groups, home visits etc. I think I have really learnt so much from this trip. Tomorrow's the last day! Whoopeee!

Wellington itself is wonderful. Big, windy (yeah), chilly city right now. Mmhmm, talked about it earlier in the post but I shall emphasise how cold it is. I'm wrapped up with scarf, gloves, beanie, thick jacket with almost 3 layers of clothes underneath. Oh gosh. I sound so... RICE DUMPLING (=ba4 zhang3). LOL. Anyway! I just had ba zhang this morning for breakfast! Whaha. All thanks for ZW's dad and uncle. Oh, and for the first time in history, I had DURIAN in NZ!! Freshhh!!! OH MANNN. It was all gooood. :P Okay, now I sound like a glutton, but yeah I think I am abit aye? LOL. In a few hours time, I'd be listening to people from the Overeaters Anonymous. I reckon I should just join the group. Be a part of them aye? OK, that is so lame Jess.

I'd be back in Dunedin on the evening of the 8th and start school on 10th!!!!!! ): CAL tests not studied YET. Good thing is I enjoyed every single day of the holidays. Whheeeee. Blogging soon, with more photos! Take care all of you, and all those in NZ, KEEP WARM!!

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