Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My eyes.

If I don't recall wrongly, I've been wearing spectacles since Secondary 1. No, to be exact, Primary 5, when I had to wear only when I look at the blackboard. You want to know how I managed to get my eyes so 'spoilt'?

Er.. I'm actually having second thoughts whether or not to tell you. Because.... It's STUPID. Hahaha.

But anyway, here goes. When I was in primary school, I've got a group of really good friends (the 4 of us). And out of the 4 of us, 2 of us wear spectacles. Somehow, I thought wearing spectacles is very COOL. OMG, should I stop telling you about this? Oh heck, I'll continue. ANYWAY, ya, since I thought it was so cool, I tried to spoil my eyes! I tried on my friend's glasses for fun, and wear them during classes. Within a year, my eye degree went up by 200 degrees! That is MADNESS, people. So when I was in Sec 1, I had to permanently wear glasses in order to stabilize my eye degree.

Then after wearing spectacles for 4 years, I finally tried on contact lenses at the age of 17. I must say I am super brave and 厉害. LOL. I managed to learn how to wear and take off the lenses within 10min. Woohoo! So till date, I've been wearing contact lenses almost permanently for 2 years. Honestly, I think wearing contact lenses is bad for the eyes. Everytime I take off my contact lenses, all I want to do is just close my eyes... And never open them again. Somehow, wearing these lenses make your eyes so tired until people see your eyes as 2 thin lines. -__-

But because of vanity and convenience (come to think about it, actually not much of convenience ), I continued putting contact lenses. If you're a friend of mine on MSN messenger, you'll notice I always put my personal message as 'I want perfect eyesight', or something else along that line. Now that I think of my primary school days, I think I'm the dumbest person on the planet. -.-

I have thought of going for lasik surgery to perfect my eyesight, but it seems scary. Many say it's not time for me to do it yet, wait till I'm older and my eyesight stabilises. But I think what worries me is the long term side effects. It would be terrible if I ever lose my eyesight. EVER. Even if I'm old and wrinkly, I still want to see with my own 2 eyes. So all I gotta do now is wait for the success rate to go up. Yup, that's what I'm gonna do. Wait. And wait.

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